A desktop PC with two ATI HD3870 cards has been set up in ENG3 lab 242,
cubicle 11. For questions and schedule, please contact Martin: dimitrov@cs.ucf.edu
Username: CDA6938
Password: hec242
The CAL_SDK and BrookPlus are both installed on the Desktop. On the Desktop
there is a folder called CDA6938. This folder should contain student
work. There is already an example ¡°martin_projects¡±, which contains a
working project.
Generally I found that the easiest way to create your own project: 0) Copy
and existing project, such as /martin_project/Template to your folder. 1)
Rename the folder and project file. 2) Open the project and rename the
solution as well as the ¡°.br¡± file . 3) Right click on the ¡°.br¡± file and
compile it. This produces a .cpp file which you now have to add to your
project. The .cpp file is in folder /debug. 4) After you add the .cpp file,
you can build the whole project and run it. The project settings, such as
the custom compilation step and the included libraries should already be
setup correctly since you just copied the project. 5) If everything is
fine, modify the .br file to implement the functionality you want.
To enable CPU emulation, create and set the environment variable:
To return to the CAL backend, either delete the environment variable or set
it to:


Useful tips:


[Thanks to Joseph LaFata]


There is a doc folder included with brook+ and a
BrookPlusProgrammingGuide.pdf inside.  Section 4.2 of the file tells
you different options that can be used with brcc, the brook+ compiler.
If you use -k, it will keep the IL.  I was able to copy the IL from
the file to the shader analyzer and get information about my program.
I remember another student saying they couldn't debug inside the
kernel code.  I was able to debug inside the generated CPP file.  It
might be because I set '-p cpu' on my br file, which might generate
the source differently.  I only set this option for the debug build.
Instructions on how to set it are in the PDF mentioned above.