ST: CDA 6938 Mutli-Core / Many-Core Architecture and Computing






Some of the course notes are based on the lecture notes of ECE 498AL from UIUC.


o      Introduction


o      Nvidia G80 Architecture and CUDA Programming Model


o      AMD/ATI Guest lecture #1 by Mike Mantor


o      AMD/ATI Guest lecture #2 by Justin Hensley and Jason Yang (part a, part b)


o      AMD/ATI Guest lecture #3 by Jason Yang (Brook+, AMD IL)


o      AMD/ATI Guest lecture #4 by Justin Hensley and Jason Yang (Performance analysis, case study: H.264 and AES)


o      Nvidia G80 Memory Architecture & Control Flow


o      Performance optimization and GPU comparison, optimizing matrix multiplication for Nvidia G80/G92 (code, makefile, decuda output), partial sum algorithm


o      Cell Architecture


o      Programming for Cell Processors (Cell programming workshop at GaTech)


1.    Introduction to programming models


2.    Hello world


3.    SIMD or Vector Programming


4.    DMA


5.    Performance Optimizations (Programming models, tips, example)


o      Patterns for Parallel Programming